al3x perotti

ExeWho2 - A Tool from the Wild

ExeWho2 appears to be a red teaming command line tool that can be used to deliver and execute obfuscated payloads on compromised systems. It’s written in Rust and it appears to be an evolution of E...

Malware Analysis & Investigation Framework

If you started your malware analysis journey fairly recently, you have probably wondered a few times: where do I start from? What do I prioritize? That’s exactly what happened to me: at times, the ...

Horabot - Malicious Infrastructure Investigation

After brainstorming for quite a while and getting incredibly excited for obtaining research access to Censys.io Search, I saw a very interesting report from the great folks at Cisco Talos on a new ...

Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering Study Plan for Beginners

As more people have been asking me for beginner-level malware analysis and reverse engineering training material, I decided to put together this short study plan with free and affordable resources ...

How to survive the SANS Women's Immersion Academy on top of a full-time job (and have a lot of fun while doing it)

On December 31st, I took the certification exam for my last course in the SANS Women’s Immersion Academy and closed this amazing 6-month-long experience with a 99% score on the GREM test. As a beg...

SANS Women's Immersion Academy - Two weeks in

The SANS Women’s Immersion Academy kicked off on June 21st with an introductory call and, since then, I’ve been in study-study-study mode, as I prepare for the GSEC exam and go through SEC401 stu...

SANS Women's Immersion Academy - I'm in!

A year ago, as I was starting to refresh my Python and Bash skills, I would never have imagined that today I would be here. When I got intrigued by a “Practical Ethical Hacking” class on Udemy, I d...

Cyber Defense Challenge - Malware Analysis Report - Tier 1

For the first tier of the Cyber Defense Challenge powered by Women in Cybersecurity and Target, I was given a spreadsheet containing malicious code and used tools such as Olevba, Speakeasy, Ghidra,...